Instant Rebate Sales Event: March 1-31
Regardless of the size or model you are considering purchasing, getting a new tub helps turn your backyard into an even more social environment for friends and family. It creates a new focal point in your living space to help entertain and impress. With that said, one of the biggest and most common fears of newcomers to the hot tub world is sizing and how they will fit their new tub in their living space.
When selecting the best possible space for your hot tub, it is important to ensure the following: The ground on which it sits at must be level, solid and smooth enough to support the overall weight of the tub, as well as the water and extra accessories. It is important to also consider convenience, appearance and proximity to necessities such as water and power. Potential hazards such as overhead power lines and large trees should also be noted and avoided.
While scrolling through luxurious hot tub models, take note of the dimensions and sizes of tubs so you know what to work with. You may also want to gather measurements of your desired hot tub area. It is important to apply those dimensions to the desired area of your hot tub and try to envision how it will fit. Make sure to select a site that gets good drainage and is not surrounded by puddles and/or mud. On top of that, assure your area does not block access to your septic tank, sewage lines and any other utilities connected to your household.
In summary, while luxurious, a hot tub might not be as big as you have thought. Chances are, you have a perfect space somewhere in your yard or deck that fits the tub of your dreams. Once you feel confident enough that your designated area contains the necessary space and does not interfere with any other utilities, you’re all set. Now is the fun part!